
Thursday, June 25, 2020

This year in room 14 we have made some autumn trees this is my autumn tree

Cross country

The upper middle students had cross country on Wednesday 24th of June!!

Chewandswallow weather report!!

Tomorrow in Chewandswallow by early morning
there will be hail of pancakes and a storm of orange
juice.  For lunch there will be a light snow of french
toast with a drizzle of water. For afternoon tea there
will be a tornado of  some crackers with cheese on
top and for mid day there will be a snow storm of
bacon and eggs with orange juice! For dinner there
will be  a big rainstorm of a big roast for everyone
to share. For desert there will be
a huge tornado of ice cream sprinkles and chocolate
spreaded all round with jelly tips:)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Cherry merry pickle plum

i created this ice cream on google drawing you can go on the Room 
14 site writing.
you will see the Bleezer's ice cream poem...
Enjoy made by Ayla.